Monday, April 12, 2010

My Son and his family and Make-A-Wish in Disney World

Day One - Steve, Jen, Clay, Gabe, and Katyra hop on a plane from Pittsburgh to fly to Florida to visit Disney World

Plane flight was relatively uneventful.  Katyra (who this trip is for specifically by the Make-A-Wish Foundation) had a little problem with her ears going up and down but otherwise did fine.  They get picked up at the Florida airport and shuttled to their hotel (I think).  They are also provided a car during this time.  At 7pm they were given an orientation meeting and a schedule of activities.  I am not sure if they have to follow that or if it's just an idea of what to do.

One of the nice things about this being through MAW is they get in the "express" lane and get to go to the head of the line - no standing for hours waiting for a ride. They have priority over EVERYTHING - if they want a pizza, they call and order and they'll deliver - FREE - if they want to go to a restaurant there, they order and eat and walk out, FREE. Such a great thing, Make-A-Wish. Edit - that is what I thought last night.  That is true but only in their hotel.  If they get a meal in any of the parks, they have to pay for it.  But MAW did give them $3k spending money so it's not too big a deal  - back to yesterday.

Poor Clayton - Steve called me at about 9-9:30ish and said I needed to get one of the grandkids settled. I figured it was Clay and I needed to tell him to stop being so rambunctious so he wouldn't get into trouble. Nope - he was bawling - missing his gammie. Feeling homesick I guess. I got him settled somewhat - told him he'd feel lots better tomorrow (today) when they actually started doing things and he could call me whenever he wanted to to tell me about what he was doing/had done and Steve is going to let each one of them talk to us about their day every night.

Poor Katyra got bit by a fire ant first thing after they got there so by now they should be "fire ant ready". Feel bad for her - Steve called so she could tell me that she got bit and she's crying and I tell her to tell daddy to get an ice cube for it and the tears stopped instantly so she could tell her daddy and then they started again LOL So it must have hurt when it happened (I know it did - I've been bit and so has Steve - I still have a scar from one!) but had eased up by the time I talked to her. She just wanted a little more sympathy, so she shed more tears. 

Only one I didn't hear from was Gabe :) That little bugger is a tough kid. Can't wait to hear from them and see how their first day went.

The bummer of it is, they don't have internet service! Can you believe that? In this day and age? I guess he can get wi-fi for 3 days so he's going to wait until towards the end of the week after they've had time to do things before he starts the wi-fi. We'll just talk on the phone (I hate the phone, I have such a hard time hearing!!) until then.

Day Two

Well, got the phone call a bit ago. They went to Sea World first. Rode the Atlantis roller coaster ride (all of them) and I guess there is a straight down shot right after you get the pee scared out of you by a huge Medusa and that almost made Gabe pee (his words LOL).

Clayton went on a "big boy" roller coaster and screamed bloody murder the whole time on the ride. BUT, he didn't puke. THAT'S MY BOY!!! Steve's going to take him on another "big boy" roller coaster that won't be as bad as the first one to help him learn to enjoy them. I think he'll want to go again.

They also got to feed the dolphins and pet them, and got to pet stingrays. The whales were all off limits due to the death a little while ago. They did their tricks and stuff but no feeding the whales and none of the trainers were riding them. Clayton got pictures of them feeding and/or petting the dolphins. I guess he took about 297 pictures!! Again - THAT'S MY BOY!!!! And Steve's been getting some good video too.

Tomorrow they are planning (subject to change) to hit Universal Studios so they can do the Back to the Future ride and possibly Jurassic Park. I know Clay would love that but I'm afraid it may scare him too so I don't know if Steve will let him go or not. I'm hoping Steve goes so he can at least describe the experience.

Tomorrow they are also going to one of those medieval dinner things and they get to go down into the arena and get their pictures with the knights and Katyra is the Princess :) She is totally GEEKED about that part.

More updates tomorrow night.

Day Three

Another fantastic day - they highly enjoyed the medieval dinner - Katyra was one of the "princesses" who got flowers thrown at her so she was geeked.  They were on the green side and the green side lost but it was still exciting for them.  Got their faces painted in tribal style so it was good.  They did try to go fishing but they only had fake worm things so they caught nothing.

Tomorrow is Katyra's Afternoon - She's going to be dressed up as a princess with her hair done and makeup, etc. and will have a special time just for her (the kids will be there too but she's the focus of attention as she should be).  

More tomorrow night.

Tomorrow night, as you have probably noticed, never came - they got so busy they didn't have much "speak" time afterward because they were exhausted.  But they had a fantastic trip, one I wish I could have enjoyed with them.

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